The decanter centrifuges of the Hamgam Sanat industry, the beating heart of the country's petrochemicals

Saturday، 02 March 2024 | کد خبر : 1244 | Article Rating
On the sidelines of the first Petrochem exhibition at the Kish International Convention and Exhibition Center, Danesh Bonyan Hamgam Sanat signed several memorandums and contracts with petrochemical companies.
The decanter centrifuges of the Hamgam Sanat industry, the beating heart of the country's petrochemicals

According to the public relations report of Hamgam Sanat Danesh Bonyan Company, in this national exhibition and conference, which was held with the participation of the Vice President for Science and Technology, ministries, organizations and petrochemical industries and with the slogan "supporting knowledge-based production in the petrochemical industry, refining and petro-refining" It was held, by Bandaramam Petrochemical, Tend Goyan Petrochemical, Arvand Petrochemical, Gachsaran Polymer and Dehdasht Petrochemical companies, memorandums and contracts were signed on the subject of manufacturing various types of decanter centrifuges and rotating equipment for the petrochemical industry, with Danesh Banyan Hamgam Sanat Company.
These memorandums and contracts concluded are considered a fundamental step in the direction of realizing the synchronous vision of the industry, which has been in the context of construction and development and by providing continuous innovations in the field of its products and missions, with the efficiency and safety of the processes of the oil and gas and petrochemical industries. It has made a significant contribution to the global value chain of oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
In the Petrocom exhibition, it was decided that under the contract between Hamgam Sanat and Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company, the construction of integrated HD unit decanter centrifuge, compilation of technical knowledge and provision of engineering services, creation of a platform for the development of technical knowledge, and innovation will be put on the agenda.
On the other hand, the contract for the design, supply, manufacture and delivery of decanter centrifuge equipment of Gachsaran Polymer Industries Company was signed in the presence of the CEO of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company for the complete internalization of this equipment of HDPE unit. In this meeting, the CEO of Ista Ahvaz Sanat Hamgam, while thanking Dr. Ali Askari and the senior managers of the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Group for trusting and supporting domestic manufacturers, said: "About two years ago, we made the first rotor of this machine by Dr. Ali Askari, for We unveiled Arvand Petrochemical, which, thank God, has been in service since then and became a way to make this equipment more complete.
Engineer Ali Davoudi continued: First, we built a part of the device, and due to the support we received from the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Group, we were able to move this part, which was about 60% of the package, to 100% domestic today. Thanking the CEO of Gachsaran Polymer Industries for his trust in this Iranian company, he stated: This is a unique device among HDPE units, which is very important in terms of product quality and factory capacity, it is located at the end of the production line and performs separation operations. Gives.
In another part of the Petrocom event, Danesh Banyan Hamgam Sanat Company hosted the CEO of Arvand Petrochemical Company, and the result of this meeting was the conclusion of a memorandum of understanding to solve the problem of powder falling from the sieve of the s-pvc unit, in order to realize 100% Iranianization of the petrochemical company's PVC production. It will be fruitful.

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